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furia software

passion for game development

Home: Welcome
Image by Roman Synkevych

About Me

To escape from depression and not to break down mentally, I started to code. That time I didn't know that serenity can be found between lines of code.

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some of projects

Tap the Ball

Available for iOS and Android

Tap the ball. Then tap it again. And again to prevent from touching the ground. How many taps can you do?Perfect time killer when you sitting on the toilet and have enough of scrolling repetitive posts on social media.

Screenshot 2022-02-17 at 22.35_edited.jpg

Roguelike Bouncing Ball

Beta testing ongoing. Release soon!

You are in control of a ball. The ball bounces. Collect all what is yellow and avoid all what is read. Simple?
Every start is a new experience due to procedural generation of levels. How many stages would you achieve?

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